
New: Buyers in abandoned
projects, please contact the Ministry of Housing & Local Government.
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Video screened at HBA APPRECIATION NITE ON 2.3.2014
Where to get help
Methods 1. Self-help
Check out our FAQ section, do a
search on the relevant topics from this website or check our
Forum Board for fellow buyers
or committees formed.
2) Contact
Speak to our volunteers at 012-3345676 (within office hours
- leave a voice message if your call is not answered immediately)
or send your enquiries to info@hba.org.my
3) Advice Centre
You may also come personally to our ADVICE CENTRE No. 31, Level 3,
Jalan Barat, Off Jalan Imbi, 55100, Kuala Lumpur. Please bring along all
your relevant documents for our perusal. This method is recommended if
your questions require comprehensive explanation.
See Opening Dates below:

Advice Centre
(This voluntary service is available only on
the date and venue stated below)
Next date:12/3/2016Hours:
1.00 pm - 5.00 pm only.
Advice Centre Location Map
Location Map:
Things to bring: All relevant documents pertaining to purchase
/ writing materials.
Donations wanted: A3/A4 paper - in reams/boxes.
Advisor/s Notice:
If you have been approached by
'advisors' who claim to be from HBA or claim to 'have worked with HBA'
and you have not previously contacted HBA for advice or for specific meetings,
these 'advisors' are NOT from HBA; not authorised by HBA nor connected
to HBA in whatsoever manner. You can verify the authenticity of an advisor
by calling 012-3345676.
National House Buyers Association
No, 31, Level 3, Jalan Barat, Off Jalan Imbi,
55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-21422225 | 012-3345 676 Fax: 03-22601803 Email: info@hba.org.my
© 2002-2014, National House Buyers Association
of Malaysia. All Rights Reserved.