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SAMAN PEMULA N0: S6-24-431-TAHUN 1999
4 JANUARY 2001



SAMAN PEMULA N0: S6-24-431-TAHUN 1999


Dalam perkara mengenai Aturan 15, Kaedah 16 dan Aturan 5 Kaedah 4 (2) (a), Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi, 1980


Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen 50 dan Seksyen 51 Akta Relief Spesifik 1950


Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen 43 Enakmen Bekalan Air 1997


Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen 37 (12) (a) Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990


Dalam perkara mengenai bekalan air dan elektrik di Megan Phileo Promenade Unit No: EO-2 hingga E11-2, DO-3 & D1-3 dan DO-4 & D1-4


                                                                                                                                                              .... PLAINTIF





                                                                                                                                ..... DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN




Sometime in the middle of 1995 the Plaintiff purchased from the 1st Defendant 16 units of office/shoplots in a multi-storey building called Megan Phileo Promenade. The sale and purchase agreements of each of the 16 units contain similar terms and conditions. Among them it provides the right of the Defendant to collect various charges from the purchasers. Before the strata titles are issued to the individual units it was the responsibility of the Defendant as the Vendor to manage and administer the Common Property. For such purposes the 1st Defendant appointed the 2nd Defendant as its agent to manage, administer, upkeep, upgrade and maintain the Common Property and at the same time to bill and collect all the various charges from the purchasers in respect of their units.

As far back as March 1998 the Plaintiff had owed the Defendant outstanding charges in respect of the 16 units purchased by the Plaintiff. The Defendant had sent several notices to the Plaintiff asking for the payment of the said outstanding charges which amounted RM106,815.97. Finally on 12th January 1999 the Defendant gave notice to the Plaintiff to the effect that if the Plaintiff still failed to pay the outstanding charges the Defendant would suspend the water supply to the units purchased by the Plaintiff. As there was no response from the Plaintiff, the Defendant suspended the water supply to the said units on 28th January 1999. Following a meeting between the Plaintiff and the Defendant held on 9th April 1999 the Defendant restored water supply to 12 of the Plaintiff's units. During the meeting the Defendant requested the Plaintiff to settle the outstanding charges by 14 monthly installments. The Plaintiff requested time to consider the Defendant's request. However on 12th April 1999 the Plaintiff filed this action in which the Plaintiff prayed for declaration and injunction. They are as follows :-

(a) Bahawa semua meter bekalan air dan/atau bekalan elektrik (tidak termasuk meter kecil) yang dihubungkan ke unit-unit yang dimiliki Plaintif, seperti yang disenaraikan di perenggan (c) di bawah, di Bangunan Megan Phileo Promenade, Menara Phileo, 189, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur adalah harta Kerajaan dan sesiapa pun tidak dibenarkan menutup atau menggangu meter-meter tersebut bagi tujuan menyekat atau memotong bekalan air dan/atau bekalan elektrik kepada unit-unit tersebut.

(b) Kecuali akibat daripada kemungkiran Plaintif terhadap Enakmen Bekalan Air 1997 dan/atau Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990 yang secara langsung memberi kuasa kepada Pengarah Jabatan Bekalan Air Selangor Darul Ehsan dan/atau Pengarah Tenaga Nasional Berhad yang bertanggungjawab ke atas bekalan air dan/atau bekalan elektrik Negeri Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan, termasuklah mana-mana pegawai lain yang bertindak atas sifat itu atau yang diberi kuasa sewajarnya, mana-mana orang lain termasuk Defendan Perfama dan Defendan Kedua tidak berhak memotong, menggangu atau menyalah gunakan meter-meter serta bekalan-bekalan air/dan elektrik.

(c) Unit-unit yang dimiliki oleh Plaintif yang dimaksudkan di perenggan (a) adalah seperti berikut :-


1) Unit No. E6-G, Ground Floor, Block G;
2) Unit No. E6-M, Mezzanine Floor, Block E;
3) Unit No. E6-01, 1st Floor, Block E;
4) Unit No. E6-02, 2nd Floor, Block E;
5) Unit No. E6-03, 3rd Floor, Block E;
6) Unit No. E6-03A, 4th Floor, Block E;
7) Unit No. E6-05, 5th Floor, Block E;
8) Unit No. E6-06, 6th Floor, Block E;
9) Unit No. E6-07, 7th Floor, Block E;
10) Unit No. E6-08, 8th Floor, Block E;
11) Unit No. E6-09, 9th Floor, Block E;
12) Unit No. E6-10, 10th Floor, Block E;
13) Unit No. D6-G, Ground Floor, Block D;
14) Unit No. D6-M, Mezzanine Floor, Block D;
15) Unit No. D7-G, Ground Floor, Block D; dan
16) Unit No. D7-M, Mezzanine Floor, Block D.

(d) Sekiranya deklarasi yang dinyatakan di perenggan (a) dibenarkan, maka Plaintif dibenarkan mengarah Defendan Perfama dan/atau Defendan Kedua, pekerja, agen atau sebarang pihak yang berkaitan dengan Defendan Perfama dan/atau Defendan Kedua untuk menyambung semula bekalan air dan/atau bekalan letrik kepada unit-unit yang disenaraikan di perenggan (c) di atas.

(e) Bersama dengan penyambungan semula bekalan air dan/atau bekalan elektrik tersebut, Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua, pekerja, agen atau sebarang pihak yang berkaitan dengan Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua dilarang/tegah atau pun dihalang daripada menutup atau menggangu meter dengan tujuan menyekat atau memotong bekalan air dan/atau bekalan elektrik daripada sampai ke unit-unit yang disenaraikan di perenggan (c) diatas.

(f) Satu deklarasi bahawa bekalan air dan/ atau bekalan elektrik dibekalkan secara terus oleh Jabatan Bekalan Air Selangor Darul Ehsan dan/atau Tenaga Nasional Berhad dan bukannya dibekalkan secara terus oleh Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua dan oleh yang demikian, Plaintif tidak terikat dengan klausa 5.01 (b) (4) surat perjanjian jual-beli.

(g) Seterusnya satu deklarasi diberikan bahawa tindakan Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua menyekat atau memotong bekalan air dan/atau bekalan elektrik berdasarkan klausa 5.01 (b) (4) surat perjanjian jual-beli adalah tidak sah.

(h) Satu deklarasi bahawa kos servis yang dikenakan oleh Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua ke atas Plaintif adalah terlalu tinggi dan melebihi kos penyelenggaraan yang sebenar.

(i) Suatu deklarasi bahawa Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua adalah pemegang amanah kos-kos servis yang dibayar oleh Plaintif dan berikutan dengan itu Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua perlulah menyediakan akaun-akaun terperinci mengenai penggunaan wang tersebut dan perlulah memberikan Plaintif sesalinan lapuran kewangan setiap (6) bulan.

j) Satu deklarasi bahawa ugutan dan/atau tindakan Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua, pekerja, agen atau sebarang pihak yang berkaitan Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua untuk menghentikan perkhidmatan lif adalah bertentangan dengan undang-undang kecil pihak berkuasa tempatan yang memperuntukkan perkhidmatan lif sebagai salah satu kemudahan bagi sesuatu bangunan yang melebihi 5 tingkat.

At this juncture it may be pertinent for me to state that this case was originally heard by Civil Court No. 2. A few interlocutory applications had already been heard and disposed off by the learned Judge in Civil Court No. 2. One of such applications was Enclosure 41 which was Defendant's application to convert this action from an Originating Summons to a Writ action. According to the Note of Proceedings the application under Enclosure 41 was dismissed with costs by the learned Judge. Subsequent to this, the learned Judge in Civil Court No. 2 proceeded to hear the main application in Enclosure No. 1. He directed Counsels for both parties to give their written submissions. After the written submissions had been submitted there was administrative directive to have this case transferred to this Court (Civil Court No. 6). The first thing that I had to decide was whether to get the Counsels to submit orally before me in respect of the Application in Enclosure No. 1 or to accept the written submissions already submitted by the Counsels and then make a decision. I decided to accept the written submissions of the Counsels in order to save everybody's time and effort. After having carefully considered the submissions from both Counsels as well as the other relevant documents filed in respect of this case I arrived at the conclusion that the Plaintiffs applications be dismissed with costs. My reasons are as follows.

Before proceeding to give my reason for dismissing the Plaintiffs application there is one issue which I propose to deal first. It is in respect of the contention by the Counsel for the Defendant which he had raised it in his written submission. The issue was whether at the hearing of the interlocutory application under Enclosure No. 41 before the learned Judge in Civil Court No. 2 the Plaintiff, through the submission of its Counsel, had agreed to confine its application solely on seeking a declaration in respect of the interpretation of S.5.01(b)(4) of the sale and purchase agreement. To this contention the Counsel for the Plaintiff totally disagreed. In the light of such dispute I decided to refer to the Notes of proceedings in respect of the application under Enclosure No. 41. After having studied the Notes of proceedings I was not quite satisfied with the contention of the Counsel for the Defendant. Taking the Notes of proceedings as a whole I found it quite difficult to be convinced that the Plaintiff had abandoned all its other prayers and to only seek Prayer (a) from this Court. With such doubts in my mind I decided to consider not only Plaintiff's Prayer (a) but also its other prayers.

As the Plaintiff was praying for both declaration and injunction, for reasons of convenience, the prayers are re-arranged as follows :-

(a) A Declaration that -

(i) all the water and/or electricity meters in respect of the Parcels are property of the Government and no one is allowed to turn off or interfere with the said meters for the purpose of restricting or cutting off the water and/or electricity supply to the Parcels [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (a) "];

(ii) except for the Plaintiff's breach under the Water Supply Enactment 1997 and/or Electricity Supply Act 1990 which directly empowers the Director of the Water Supply Department of Selangor Darul Ehsan and/or the Director of Tenaga Nasional Bhd who are responsible for the supply of water and/or electricity in Selangor and the Federal Territory, including any officer acting in such capacity or who have been duly authorised, any other person induding the 1st Defendant and 2nd Defendants are not entitled to cut off, interfere with or misuse the said meters as well as the water and/or electricity supply [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (b) "].

(iii) water and/or electricity supply is directly supplied by the Water Supply Department of Selangor Darul Ehsan and/or Tenaga Nasional Bhd. and is not directly supplied by the 1s' Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant and accordingly, the Plaintiff is not bound by section 5.01(b)(4) of the Agreements [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (f)"];

(iv) the action of the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant in restricting or cutting off water and/or electricity supply based on section 5.01(b)(4) of the Agreements was invalid [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (g) "];

(v) the Charges imposed by the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant on the Plaintiff were too high and exceeded the actual maintenance costs [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (h) "];

(vi) the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant are trustees for the Charges paid by the Plaintiff and accordingly, the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant are required to provide detailed accounts on the use of such funds and are required to provide the Plaintiff a copy of the financial report every 6 months [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (i) "]; and

(vii) the threat and/or action by the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant, their employees, agents or any party related to the 1st and/or 2nd Defendant to stop the lift services was contrary to the by-laws of the local authorities which provided that lift services as one of the facilities for a building exceeding 5 storeys [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (j)"]; and

(b) An Injunction -

(i) if Prayer (a) is allowed, the Plaintiff is permitted to direct the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant, their employees, agents or any party related to the 1st and/or 2nd Defendant to restore water and/or electricity supply to the Parcels [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (d) "]; and

(ii) together with the restoration of the said water and/or electricity supply, the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant, their employees, agents or any party related to the 1st and/or 2nd Defendant are restrained from turning off or interfering with the said meters for the purpose of restricting or cutting off the water and/or electricity supply to the Parcels [hereinafter referred to as "Prayer (e) "].

It must be noted that the dispute between the parties were in respect of matters before titles to the individual units were issued. Therefore it is common ground that the Strata Titles Act, 1985, does not apply. Upon the issuance of the strata titles to the units the functions of the 2"d Defendant would have to be taken over by a Management Corporation established under the said Act. Therefore the relationship between the Plaintiff and the Defendant during this stage was governed solely by the terms and conditions of the sale and purchase agreement. To determine such relationship, I think, it is not proper for the Plaintiff's Counsel to suggest that reference to the Strata Titles Act, 1985 can be referred. If the Act is not applicable to which the Plaintiff's Counsel had conceded, then it follows that no reference to it should be made.

The main provision of the said agreement that came into argument in this case is Section 5.01(b)(4). It reads as follows: -

"(4) Without prejudice to its other rights and remedies herein, the Vendor is entitled to withdraw or suspend any services, utilities, amenities or facilities agreed to be provided herein in the event of default or delay by the Purchaser in the payment of any dues therein."

The term "service charges" has been defined in Section 1.01 (m) as follows :-

"(m) "Service Charges" means such amount of money as may be determined from time to time by the Vendor prior to the issue of strata titles to the individual units comprised in the Shopoffice Project and after the issue of the strata titles by the Management Corporation in the manner provided by the Strata Titles Act for the services provided by the Vendor or as the case may be by the Management Corporation for the control, management, administration, upkeep, upgrading and maintenance of the Common Property and the Shopoffice Project and includes but not limited to the cost of electric power and water supply, the cost of repair, maintenance, upkeep and upgrading of the Common Property of the Shop office Project including all other expenses incidental to the employment of personnel engaged in and about the provision of services and repair, maintenance, upkeep and upgrading of the Common Property and the Shopoffice Project.".

From the above it is clearly stated that there are two providers of services. The first provider is the Vendor who provides services until the time the titles to the individual units are issued. The second provider is the Management Corporation established under the said Act, who provides services after the strata titles are issued. And from the definition of the "service charges" the type of services to be rendered are not exhausted. In any case it includes the giving of electric power and water supply, repair, maintenance, upkeep and upgrading of the Common Property. The charges payable by the Purchaser as stated in this clause also includes all expenses incidental to the employment of personnel engaged in and about the provision of services and repair, maintenance, upkeep and upgrading of the Common Property.

The Defendants had invoked S.5.01(b)(4) of the Agreement to suspend water supply to the 16 units purchased by the Plaintiff. It was alleged by the Plaintiff that it was unlawful for the Defendants to suspend water supply to the said units. The Plaintiff further contended that S.5.01 (b)(4) of the Agreement is ambiguous, in that the provider of electric power and water supply was not the Defendant. Electric power is provided by Tenaga Nasional Berhad and water is supplied by Selangor State Water Department. Because of such ambiguity the contra proferentem rule of construction should be applied.

In reply to the Plaintiff's contention, the Defendant said that the wordings of S.5.01(b)(4) are very clear and as such it contains no ambiguity at all. Since the express wordings of S.5.01(b)(4) are clear the provisions of S.91 and 92 of the Evidence Act apply. By the decision of the case of the Supreme Court case of Koh Siah Poh v. Perkayuan OKS Sdn. Bhd. [1989] 3 MLJ 164 it was ruled that where written contracts are clear the Court should not go behind the written terms of the contract to introduce or add new term to it.

As to provider of water supply to the individual units the Defendant argued that the Selangor State Water Department only supplies water to the Bulk Meters. It was not their responsibility to supply water to the individual units. The responsibility to do so is taken over by the Defendants. The contention by the Plaintiff that S.5.01(b)(4) is ambiguous was misconceived.

After having considered the arguments by both Counsels I was in full agreement with the views of Counsel for the Defendants. Having read the wordings of S.5.01(b)(4) I am quite satisfied that this section is clearly worded and contains no ambiguity at all. It is quite true that the Selangor State Water Department only supplies water to the Bulk Meters. This is confirmed by the Department's letter to the Defendant dated 31st May 1999 stating that the responsibility of the Selangor State Water Department is only to supply water to the Bulk Meters. The supply of water to the individual units is the responsibility of the Defendants. This is clearly stated in the definition of "Service Charges" in S.1.01(m) which I have dealt with earlier. Since it was my finding that the wordings of S.5.01(b)(4) contains no ambiguity I therefore ruled that the contra proferentem rule is not applicable. And also since it was my finding that the natural and ordinary meaning of S.5.01 (b)(4) is expressly clear the burden lies on the Plaintiff to prove the application of any of the exceptions to Sections 91 and 92 of the Evidence Act. But the Plaintiff had failed to produce such evidence. In the circumstances I ruled that it was not improper for the Defendant to exercise their rights under S.5.01(b)(4) of the Agreement to suspend the water supply to the Plaintiffs units.

Based on the reasons as I have above mentioned my decision on the Prayers applied by the Plaintiff are as follows:-

1. Prayer (a) - Since it was confirmed that the Selangor State Water Department only supplies water to the Bulk Meters interference of meters would not be allowed if done to the Bulk Meters. It follows therefore that it does not extend to the interference of meters to the individual units.

2. Prayer (b) - It is well within the rights of the Defendants to cut off or suspend water supply to the individual units, if the occupier of units fails to pay service charges.

3. Prayer (f)- S.5.01(b)(4) read together with S.1 .01 (m) of the Agreement clearly entitles the Defendants to supply water to the individual units. Without the Defendants giving such service water supply may not reach the individual units because the Selangor State Water Department had confirmed that its responsibility to supply water is only to the Bulk Meters. The Plaintiff is bound by S.5.01 (b)(4).

4. Prayer (g) - The action of the Defendants in restricting or cutting off water supply under S.5.01(b)(4) of the Agreement was not invalid.

5. Prayer (h) - This is a matter which requires further details of facts to be properly adduced through witnesses. Since both parties do not agree to the facts and the facts on this issue had been scantily produced especially from the Plaintiff's side it is not possible for the Court to decide what would be the fair charges. Merely by the Plaintiff alleging that the charges are too high and exceeded the actual maintenance costs would be insufficient, bearing in mind that the 2nd Defendant has to employ personnel to effect the services.

6. Prayer (i) - There is no evidence at all to say either expressly or impliedly that the Defendants are trustees for the charges paid by the Plaintiff. As such there is no legal requirement for the Defendants to provide detailed accounts on the use of such accounts. Neither is there any legal requirement for the Defendant to provide the Plaintiff a copy of the financial report every 6 months.

7. Prayer (i) - As there had never been lift-services by the Defendant it would be improper for the Court to exercise its discretion to grant this prayer (f) to the Plaintiff.

In respect of the Plaintiffs application for Injunction my decision are as follows :-

1. Prayer (d) - Since the Defendants had restored water supply to all the units there is therefore no need to grant the injunction. More importantly, Injunction should only be issued if the Defendant has committed a wrong. Since the Defendant's action to suspend water supply under S.5.01(b)(4) was not improper the application to seek for Injunction to stop the action should not be entertained.

2. Prayer (e) - My decision in respect of Prayer (d) above is also applicable to this Prayer (e).

For the reasons as stated above the Plaintiff's application was dismissed with costs.

Dated this 4th January 2001.


High Court Judge KUALA LUMPUR.


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